
Are you planning a move to Las Vegas? This can be a very big deal. Especially if you are not familiar with the area. Any move can be difficult. What helps is knowing the area. I want to help you get familiar with Las Vegas before the move. Let’s get started!

All About the Population of Las Vegas.

Las Vegas is home to more than 620,000 people with over more than 32.2 million people as visitors each year. The census helps determine the number of people in one area. At census.gov you can find information on the population of Las Vegas.

What About Families?

With Las Vegas being called the “sin city” you are probably wondering if it is a decent place to raise a family. Las Vegas is more of a desert. The things that you hear about the gambling and partying is actually separate from where people live and raise their families. This is all located on the strip, the residential is is not on the strip, just the clubs, and theaters, and such.

Wehavekids.com has information on raising a family in Las Vegas, and what it is like.

Trying to Find A Single Family Home.

With a Las Vegas property management company like IMS Realty, finding a single family home is not difficult at all. There are so many resources on the internet alone that can help you find a single family home within your price range. When renting, the price range varies.

For instance, Zillow has over 1,800 listings for homes to rent in Las Vegas. The price starts at about $700 for a 2 bedroom single family home. The price, of course, goes up from there to $5,000 leaving the average price of a single-family home at $1,400. You can find the listings on their website in the link.

How are the Schools in Las Vegas?

The schools in Las Vegas are, for the most part, average. They have about 20 schools just in Las Vegas. Seems to me, they are big on education. All of the schools have a 3-star rating or more. Let me break the schools down a bit. I know some are interested in High Schools, while others are the Elementary. If both, this will be helpful too.

The High Schools of Las Vegas

Ed W Clark
Ed W Clark opened in 1965. They have a total of 2,712 students. Their motto is: Educating Today…For Tomorrow. They have a google rating of 4.1 stars. The grade level starts at 9th, the average high school grades. The link to their website is www.clarkchargers.org.

Palo Verde High School
Palo Verde High school is home to 3,100 students with the black panther as the mascot. They have a 3.3 google star rating, but they do have more students. So, don’t let the lower star rating fool you. It was founded in 1996 and carries the colors of black, green, and silver. You check them out at paloverde.org

This is not a complete list of High schools. You can find more searching “Las Vegas Schools” at google.com

The Elementary Schools of Las Vegas.

Patricia A. Bendorf Elementary School
The Patricia A. Bendorf Elementary School starts with grades, pre-kindergarten and up. They are located in the Clark County school district with the Bobcats as their mascot. They have a 4.0-star rating on Google. You can find more information about them and what they have to offer for your child or children at www.ccsd.net.

Dorothy Eisenberg Elementary School.
Dorothy Eisenberg Elementary School is also in the Clark County School district. They have a 4.0-star rating on Google. As I can see, the elementary schools have high star rating with DEE being one of them. You can find out more at schools.ccsd.net.

As with the high schools, there are more schools than just the ones listed above. You can find them at the above links.

What About Single Person Homes?

You can find studio apartments in Las Vegas for as little as $500. If you are looking for a larger place, but need help with the price of it, you can find a roommate to split the cost. There are some websites that you can go to interview people and find a match. Always be careful and use discretion.

You can find roommates at roommate finder or easyroommate. Both seem to be a safe site to look. Regardless always be careful. Just because it is a safe site does not mean that it always has safe people.

Some Last Thoughts Before You Go.

I hope that all this information was useful to you. Renting a truck or movers always makes the move more simple. Always do an area check before you decided on which area you think is best for you and/or your family before you decided on a place. Have safe travels!

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