
When your skin conveys youth and beauty, it is going to glow, but when the skin is dull, it can make you look old and dreary. If you are starting to feel like the skin isn’t looking as good as before, then it is time to take the skincare to the next level with a chemical peel. As you look at the options available for chemical peels, you may wonder how often you should get the chemical peel done for radiant skin.

The type of peel you get will determine how often you should get a chemical peel, says Renew Medical Aesthetics, which is where I go for a chemical peel near me. If you do a light peel, then getting it scheduled once a month can be fine without causing damage. A medium peel should not be done as often, usually every two to three months. For the deep peel, you are using the strongest chemicals to get it done and should only get it done once every few years for the best results.

These chemical peels can do a lot to improve the look and appearance of your skin. Choosing the right one will help determine which results you get and how often you should get the work done. Let’s take a closer look at the different options you have for chemical peels to help you get on the right schedule.

When Should I Get a Chemical Peel?

One of the neat things about chemical peels is that you can customize them. There are different strengths that you can choose in the peels, which will help them meet different needs based on your skin and what it is looking for at the time. For example, if you do a light peel, it can be done once a month, if you choose to go with a medium peel, it can be done every few months, and if you choose one of the deep peels, it should be done every few years.

Light Peels

The first type of peel we can look at is a light peel. These are perfect for those who have never gotten a chemical peel before because they are gentle yet effective, so you get a chance to see whether it works for you. This is a lighter treatment that you are able to schedule each month. It uses mild acids and fruit-based vitamins that will help to remove the top layer of the skin, helping to reveal a fresh layer underneath.

These peels are useful because they are going to assist with cell turnover and can give you the results that you want, often results that other skincare products can’t provide. Once the peel is done, you can resume your normal activities right away.

Medium Peels

The next level that you can choose with peels is the medium peel. These will address some of the more significant skin problems while providing more dramatic results at the same time. These peels will utilize stronger acids and TCA to reach deep into the skin, giving it a strong exfoliant at a deeper level.

If you do go with this type of peel, you will need to have more than one month of time between treatments. Doing it once a month causes the skin to not have enough time to recover and can bring on more damage than it is worth. Doing a series of these peels will help to change and improve the skin for the better and can solve a good deal of your skin problems in no time.

Deep Peels

When you really need to get some work done on the skin, then the deep peel is the best. These are designed to reach the deepest layers of the skin. They will use strong acid and should only be utilized every few years.

These peels are only for those with really fair skin that can’t do the peels more often or those who have really bad skin problems that other treatments have failed with. Those with darker skin tones should avoid it because there is the risk of pigmentation issues after this kind of peel.

These peels are going to provide some of the deepest forms of exfoliation and will take a longer time to recover from, but the results can be amazing in the process. Once you go through a deep peel, you could benefit from some light peels to maintain the results all year long.

Taking Care of the Health of Your Skin

Everyone wants to have beautiful skin that they can show off to others. With the right skincare regimen, that is something that you can do as well. Take a look at a chemical peel and see whether this is the right option to help you improve the look and feel of the skin in a healthy manner.

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