
Are you thinking about getting a thin client? The server does all the work and little space is taken up by the use of a thin client. No more hard drives either. What is a thin client? What makes it great and are there any downfalls? Let’s go over some of the pros and cons of thin client together.

What Is a Thin Client?

If you have never heard the term “thin client”, you are probably wondering exactly what it is. Think of a lightweight computer. All the work is done off of a server for the most part. It allows you to save space while storing data and performing a bunch of other tasks all in one small lightweight device.

What Are Some of The Pros of a Thin Client?

There are a lot of great features of a thin client. The Scarlett Group, a managed IT services provider, has detailed all of the pros and cons of thin clients below. If you are considering on purchasing one yourself, this will help you decide if it is right for you.

Number One: Space

Space is the number one reason why thin clients are awesome to use. More people every day are opting to use thin clients due to the amount of space they save. If you have a small workspace, then a thin client is right for you. They are actually really small and can give you lots of extra room compared to the use of a traditional computer.

Number Two: Energy

If you are into helping the planet and do your best to go green, then a thin client is a great choice. Even if you don’t pay much attention to the whole go green effect, you can still save money on electricity by using a thin client. This is especially true if you plan on trading in several thick clients for thin ones. They are super energy efficient.

Number Three: Cost

Let’s talk price a moment. The price of a thin client is way more cost effective than any other computer on the market. You can purchase a thin client for as low as $100. The average is around $600. That is a substantially smaller amount than the average desktop. Not only are you saving money on your electric bill, but also the price of the equipment.

You can find more information on the prices of thin clients at NewEgg.

Number Four: Lifespan

The lifespan of a thin client is substantially longer than the average computer. To put it into perspective, think about all the parts that you have inside of a regular computer. A thin client has fewer internal parts. You don’t have to worry about the hard drive crashing or the fan going out. A thin client will last longer by not having those components.

PC Magazine has more information on thin clients if you are interested in learning a bit more about them.

What About the Cons?

With every good thing in life, there is always a downfall. It does not mean that it is horrible. It just means that there is a con to it. You cannot like everything 100% of the time. Let’s go over some of the cons of a thin client.

Number One: Server Issues

Because a thin client runs off of the server, you may experience server issues. This can get a bit frustrating when you are trying to watch a video and a connection problem arises. You have to have a connection to the internet to run a thin client. That is a big downfall. Computers still work even without a connection.

Number Two: Little Software Space

A thin client is really used for smaller tasks. If you work online and use programs to complete certain tasks then a thin client is not for you. A thin client was not made to perform such tasks. It was made for quick, straight to the point use. Anything more will not hold up on a thin client.

Number Three: Fast Internet Is Required

If you do not plan on having high-speed internet in your home or office where the thin client will be used, then you have wasted your money. A thin client only works like it should with a high-speed internet connection. Slow connection equals slow use when it comes to the thin client.

I hope that these pros and cons can help you better decide if a thin client is right for you or not. If you are interested in finding out more information on a thin client, you can check out this YouTube video.

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